1.1 Players are only permitted to play on one team in this tournament.
1.2 All elements of the team, including parents, coaches and players are expected to maintain themselves in accordance with the highest standards of good conduct. Instances of unsportsmanlike conduct will be investigated and addressed without delay. The Tournament committee and Referee in Chief may issue further sanctioning if it is deemed necessary.
1.3 Coaches are responsible for reminding team supporters that good sportsmanship rewards exceptional play regardless of who makes the play. Good sportsmanship does not detract from the game but rather makes it more enjoyable for all. While it’s understood that competition is a healthy part of the game, supporters should never lose sight of respect for the game or their competitors.
1.4 Individuals displaying unacceptable behavior will be requested to leave the area. Tournament staff can hold the coach responsible for the actions of their team and supporters and they reserve the right to deny entry to any person or entire teams at their discretion.
1.5 The organizing committee reserves the right to adjust tiers and groups as needed to provide balanced pools or ensure teams are competitively balanced. This extends to mixing odd and even year of birth teams within the same pool.
1.6 No refunds will be issued after the registration deadline is passed. See registration forms or website for exact date.
1.7 Any mention to the Laws of the Game in the rest of this document also means U9 Rules of Mini Soccer and U11 8 a-side Laws of the Game. For the Rules/Laws that were modified please see Rule #17.1 for more information.
1.8 These rules are intended to be as inclusive as possible; however, in the event of unforeseen circumstances the tournament committee reserves the right to make binding decisions upon all participants.
1.9 In the event an issue occurs that is not covered in these rules the tournament committee will refer to the Rules and Regulations of the following bodies in this order: Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA), Alberta Soccer Association (ASA) and then Canada Soccer Association (CSA).
2.1 Extraordinary Weather and / or Unusable Field Conditions:
The safety of players, coaches, tournament management, spectators and referees are the primary concern in any weather event that may occur during the tournament.
Severe weather is unpredictable and beyond the control of the tournament organizers. The Moon Day Tournament committee has the authority to relocate or reschedule any game, reduce game time, or cancel any game. Select games may also be cancelled outright, and without reschedule. Any games cancelled due to inclement weather are not subject to refund.
2.2 Unless otherwise notified by the Tournament Committee, teams must appear at the scheduled location and time.
2.3 Tournament organizers will monitor the field conditions; if the playing surface is considered too dangerous for play then the game may be rescheduled or cancelled. Tournament organizers will have the final say if a game will proceed due to inclement weather. If needed, the decision to play the game may have to be decided right at game time.
2.4 A game is considered complete if one half 50% of the game has been completed before being cancelled due to adverse weather.
2.5 If a game is cancelled before one half of the game is played, and the option for penalty kicks does not exist, the score will be set at zero and the match declared a tie.
2.6 In cases where a game has been cancelled or altered in any way, it is the responsibility of the teams involved to contact the Tournament Committee for verification of changes. Frequent updates and game status will also be posted to the Moon Day webpage.
2.7 The “When thunder roars, go Indoors” Rule will be used to determining the playability of a game or if the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is “7” or higher or the “Extreme Heat Event” Alberta soccer Policy and the Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel games.
The referee, in conjunction with the Referee in Chief & Tournament Committee, has the final say on whether games proceed or not.
2.8 Please Note: If 50% of the game has been played before inclement weather, the game will count and the score will stand. Tournament organizers reserve the right to shorten games due to inclement weather and if needed games will go directly to penalty kicks to determine a winner.
If you can hear thunder, you can get hit by lightning. As soon as you hear thunder, quickly get to a safe location. More people are struck before and after a thunderstorm than during one. Stay inside for 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder.
2.9 The Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel the tournament in whole or in part due to inclement weather or unplayable fields and no refund will be issued. Individual games may also be cancelled outright and no refund will be issued.
3.1 All teams are required to send their league roster to the tournament organizer no later than June 30th, 2024. Teams must fill out their team’s roster online on the tournament website no later than July 11th, 2024 at 4:00pm (MST). Guest/trialist forms must be attached to game sheets and submitted prior to the start of each game to the referee. No changes to the team roster can be made once that team’s first tournament game has been played. Any corrections requiring change once the 11th deadline is past must be made at the tournament headquarters (please visit the tournament website for this location).
3.3 A maximum of Five (5) coaching staff members may be on the roster. One of the staff members must be the same gender as the players.
3.4 Players are only permitted to play on one team in this tournament.
3.5 All mixed-gender teams will participate in the corresponding male age group/tier/division.
3.6 All even age grouped teams will play in the corresponding odd age group based on the oldest players’ year of birth on that team.
3.7 Players on U9-U19 teams must be of the appropriately age group as outlined in A.S.A. rules but may include players from a lower age group.
3.8 Use of EMSA Modified Rules retreat line applies toU9 and U11 teams. For more information on the retreat line and the modified rules for this tournament please visit:
4.1 All coaching staff and players (including guest players) must be currently registered with a youth soccer association recognized by A.S.A. and/or C.S.A for the Outdoor 2024 season to participate in this tournament.
4.2 All Edmonton teams must be a member of the EMSA organization (includes SPDSA & SASA)
4.3 Any coaches or players that are currently under any disciplinary action from any ASA or CSA recognized soccer association must advise the tournament committee, who will decide (based on the offence) if the player/coach will be permitted to participate in the Moon Day Tournament. All suspensions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Player cards are not required for this tournament; however, proof of birth must be provided upon request by tournament officials.
Please note: Failure to produce any of the above identification (if requested) may result in the forced forfeit of the game(s) being played by the team.
5.1 Players are only permitted to play on one (1) team in this tournament
5.2 Each team is permitted 4 guest players during the tournament
5.3 Guest players must be currently registered with a youth soccer association recognized by A.S.A. and/or C.S.A for the Outdoor 2023 season to participate in this tournament.
5.4 All guest player(s) must have written approval from their original team with signatures from their original team as well as their tentative tournament team. A guest player will be allowed on the following basis:
- Tier 1–3: can only be from a lower age / lower category or lower division in regular league play as the age group of the receiving team’s current league category to be registered on that team’s roster with written approval as noted below.
- Tier 4-9: can be from the same or lower age / same or lower tier or same or lower division in regular league play as the age group of the receiving team’s current regular league category to be registered on that team’s roster with written approval as noted below.
5.5 Teams must submit guest forms and one copy of the game sheet to the referee prior to the start of the game. Coaches must submit a copy of the guest form for each game a guest player participates in. A guest form can cover a range of play dates.
5.6 Guest players must be identified on the team roster/game sheets.
5.7 Teams are permitted to use up to 4 trialists to increase rosters up to ASA/EMSA team size limits or to replace missing players.
5.8 Guest and trialist mean the same thing and the wording can be interchanged without changing the meaning.
6.1 The roster sizes are as follows:
1. U9 and U11 max 16 players
2. U13 – U19 max 20 players
6.2 Guest and Trialist mean the same thing and the wording can be interchanged without changing the meaning. Trialist forms may be found at Moon Day Guest Player Form as well as the guest player section of this website.
7.1 All teams are required to enter their completed team list and identify any guest player(s) no later than July 11, 2024 at 4pm MST.
7.2 No changes to a teams’ roster can be made after that teams’ first tournament game.
7.3 Players not on the team roster prior to the team’s first tournament game are deemed ineligible.
7.4 Players cannot be registered on more than one team roster.
- The maximum number of players permitted on a team roster may not exceed the limit imposed by the ASA
- NOTE: The Moon Day will recognize any EMSA teams with existing special dispensation to carry more players than regularly permitted. Any non-EMSA team will have to submit a request letter and ASA roster to the tournament director who will submit on your behalf to the EMSA Spruce Grove Board that they currently have a roster over the regularly permitted number of players. The board decision will be final.
- All teams (except those registered with EMSA Spruce Grove) MUST upload an official ASA roster in their online account prior to their on-line roster function being activated. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of your team without a refund. Deadline to upload the team ASA roster is June 30th 2023.
Please note: Absolutely no player registrations will be approved at tournament headquarters, please ensure you have enough players prior to entering the tournament.
All out of province teams must submit travel sanction forms with their roster on or before 4:00pm (MST) on June 30th, 2024.
9.1 The length of games will be as follows:
· U9: 2 x 25 minute halves
· U11: 2 x 25 minute halves
· U13: 2 x 35 minute halves
· U15 – U19: 2 x 35 minute halves
No additional time will be provided
9.2 Games may end in a tie during Round Robin play; however, a game that requires a result will go to “Kicks from the Penalty Mark.” See below for rules.
9.3 Each team will play a minimum of three (3) games and medals will be awarded after the last game.
9.4 The “Mercy Rule” will be in effect for this tournament. No team will be given more than a 5 goal win differential. Tie breaking procedures will use stats after the mercy rule has been applied e.g. If a team wins 6-0 they will receive credit for a 5-0 win and the 5-0 win will be used in the event tie breaking procedures come into effect.
9.5 All referees are ASA certified or equivalent and are assigned by the tournament referee assignor. Their decisions on their interpretations of the Laws of the Game are final.
9.6 Substitutions can be made on any stoppage in play, subject to the discretion of the referee. There is no limit to the number of players that can be substituted on the stoppage.
9.7 Teams are permitted an unlimited number of substitutions during the game.
10.1 “Round Robin” play format and will have NO play-off games within a pool or between pools. All tied games in Round Robin play format will stand.
10.2 “Play-Off” pool format will have play-off games scheduled within a two-sided pool or between pools. Ties will stand in the first round of game for two-sided pools and/or the first round of pools that play off against another pool.
10.3 Medal games are defined as the final games in a two-sided pool or between pools that play-off against one another, whose results determine Medal stands (Gold, Silver, and Bronze). If a Medal Game results in a tie at the end of regulation time, the kicks from the penalty mark will be used to determine the winner of the match.
11.1 Official Moon Day game sheets will be used throughout the tournament and are available to print off the website.
11.2 The player information you enter into the website will print out automatically for you on your game sheet once the schedule is completed.
11.3 Game sheets are to be filled out completely and given to the game official prior to the kickoff of each tournament game.
11.4 Ensure all players (including guest players, labeled as “guest”) are listed on the game sheet prior to kick off. Any player not listed on the game sheet prior to kick off will be deemed ineligible to play.
11.5 Tournament officials will collect game sheets from the game officials at the end of each match.
12.1 The home team is required to provide a minimum of two (2) suitable game balls, as determined by the game official, which is as follows:
- U9 - U11 SIZE 4
- U13-U19 SIZE 5
13.1 Points will be given as follows:
- A win entitles a team to three (3) points.
- A loss entitles a team to zero (0) points.
- A tie entitles each team to one (1) point.
- NO points will be awarded for shutout games.
13.2 In the event of a 2-Way Tie the following will be used to break the tie:
- Head to Head
- Goal Differential
- Least Goals Against
- Fair Play – Least number of yellow/red cards
- Kicks from the penalty mark (see section 22.1 for the rules)
13.3 in the event of a 3-way Tie the following will be used to break the tie:
- Goal Differential
- Least Goals Against
- Fair Play – Least number of yellow/red cards
- Penalty kicks as per the following procedure [link to the document ]
NOTE: Most goals for cannot apply due to mercy rule.
14.1 Should any team forfeit a scheduled game the opposing team will be awarded a final score of three to zero, as well as three points.
14.2 Should both teams forfeit a scheduled game the final score will be recorded as N/S (no score) and no points will be awarded.
15.1 Injuries occurring that require on-field medical attention will not result in additional "makeup game time" being allocated.
15.2 If 50% of the game has been played the game is considered legal and the score will stand.
15.3 If less than 50% of the game has been played then the game will be cancelled, and the score set at zero for both teams.
16.1 If not clear, the team mentioned first on the schedule is deemed the Home Team.
16.2 In the event that both teams wear like colors, the home team will be required to change jerseys or wear pinnies as determined by the game and/or tournament official.
16.3 Home team picks which side of the fields that spectators will sit. Home Team spectators and Away team spectators must sit on opposite sides of the field where applicable.
16.4 Scores and team stats will be posted on the official Moon Day website.
17. 1 This tournament follows the FIFA Laws of the Game for U13 – U19 games. For U9 and U11 games the EMSA modified Rules/Laws are follows. Links are below for reference. EMSA Spruce Grove reserves the right to amend parts of these laws as outlined within these tournament rules.
FIFA Laws of the Game: IFAB/FIFA Laws of the Game
U9 Laws of the Game: U9 EMSA modified Laws 7 v 7
U11 Laws of the Game: U11 EMSA modified Laws 8 v 8
17.2 The Retreat Line Rule will be in effect for U9 and U11 games as explained in the Rules/Laws above for the appropriate age group.
17.3 All players, coaching staff, assisting personnel and team supporters are expected to obey the Laws of the Game involved with and respect all tournament officials.
17.3 Game officials reserve the right to exercise use of the Laws of the Game for the time period beginning immediately before, during and immediately after the game and said authority extends to the area immediately surrounding the field of play and includes the bleachers.
Please note: Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated. Threats and/or assaults made towards any tournament officials during this tournament will generate an immediate suspension pending the A.S.A. Discipline Committee action in accordance with A.S.A. Rules and Regulations.
18.1 U11 Games:
Cautions (yellow card) and ejections (red card) will be given in these games as per the U11 Laws of the Game under Rules of Play (section 7). However, if a player is ejected the team will not play shorthanded. The ejected player must leave the team bench but can sit with the parents/spectator area and watch the remainder of the game. They will serve no additional sanction.
18.2 U13-U19 Games:
Any ejected player (red card) must immediately leave the vicinity of the playing area and must not return to the team bench or playing area at any time, including at the end of the match. For player safety, ejected players must sit in the stands or remain in the general proximity of the play area but cannot sit on the bench or participate in team activities such as handshake or warm up. Ejected players remaining in the immediate play area must not participate in coaching or directing teammates but sit quietly and may participate as observers only.
The discipline committee (the Referee in Chief, the Tournament Director and one other board member) will decide the number of games the ejected player will serve as a suspension. The ejected player cannot take part in the team’s next game. If it is decided the player will be suspended for more than one game, the team will be advised prior to their next game.
Any suspended player cannot be in the team’s technical area (team bench) or warm-up with the team. They can watch the game from the spectator’s area but cannot wear a team jersey.
Any player receiving a second ejection (red card) in the tournament, must report to HQ immediately after their game along with their coach, to HQ immediately after the game in which the second ejection occurred. The player will not be permitted to participate in any further tournament play and may face further disciplinary action.
It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that their players serve their discipline during the tournament.
18.3 Coaches/Managers and Other Team Officials
It is expected that all team officials behave in a responsible manner and show respect to the referees, assistant referees and the other team. If a team official is ejected from the game the following will be in effect
1. The Discipline Committee will decide if the ejected official will be suspended from subsequent games in the tournament.
2. In the event of a suspension being administered the offending team official will be advised prior to the next game.
3. Failure to leave the match and field of play or spectator area after ejection will automatically result in 1 additional game suspension in the tournament.
19.1 Protests of any tournament game results will be reviewed provided that the protest is in writing and accompanied by the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) payable to the Spruce Grove Soccer Association. The tournament headquarters must receive written submissions within one hour of the protested game’s completion. Protests in reference to the “Laws of the Game” and protests of decisions by game officials will not be accepted.
19.2 Playing ineligible players will result in the forfeit of any game the said player participated in. Affected teams will be awarded a 3 to 0 score as well as three points.
A free tournament team gift will be provided for each team in the tournament.
Gold, Silver and Bronze (for the U9-U19 categories) medals will be awarded to the top three (3) teams in each category.
21.1 All field locations are listed on the side of this page under locations and will be updated regularly. You can view a Google map of each match location by clicking on the short name of each location beside the match time.
21.2 Teams are expected to follow the EMSA Specific rules regarding Team and Spectator Placement while on the Field. It is EMSA’s policy that teams will sit on opposite sides of the field from one another. The spectators of a team should sit on the same side of the field as their own team but will be separated from their team by the center flag (Team Benches will be to the right of the flag, spectators to the left of the flag). The only exception to this will be games played in Fuhr Sports Park. The home team will have the choice as to which side they prefer. Please CLICK HERE to see the placement diagram and information.
22.1 In the event of a tie where a result is needed (medals determination), kicks from the penalty mark will be used to determine the winner of the match. The procedure will be as per The Laws of the Game (LOTG) under Law 10 except where the penalty mark distance is modified for U9 and U11 games. Further information can be found at the following link.
A few reminders for coaches/parents regarding this procedure -
·Only players on the pitch at the end of the game are able to take part in the penalty kicks, therefore unless being treated for an injury they must remain on the pitch at the end of the game.
· Coaches and players not taking part in the penalty kicks must remain in their technical areas.
· If a coin toss is not used to determine which end the penalty kicks are to be taken from as per the LOTG, the goal used will be chosen by the referee.
· All parents, fans must remain outside the touch lines, not behind the goal line and may not enter the field of play